If I’m So Smart, Where did All My Money Go

October 13, 2010 A Weekly Series by Teresa Morrow I’m Teresa Morrow, Founder of Key Business Partners, LLC and I work with authors by managing their book promotion and publicity. As part of my job I read a lot of books (I love to read anyway!). This week I will...

The ABC’s of Book Marketing on the Web

 October 1st, 2010  Guest Expert: Teresa Morrow When you are looking for something where do you look? Most likely 2 out of 3 times, the most popular answer will be the internet. And the same things goes for the readers of books. So having a concrete...

Authors: Make yourself memorable at any event

 September 3rd, 2010  Guest Expert: Teresa Morrow You sign up or join a writers or authors group because you want to meet people in your industry who live in your local area. You want to be around people who will understand, share and support your...

Social Media & Blogging: Panel Discussion (Part 2)

September 1, 2010 A Weekly Series by Teresa Morrow I’m Teresa Morrow, Founder of Key Business Partners, LLC and I work with authors to help manage their online book promotion. As part of my job I read a lot of books (and I love to read anyway!). I am here to...

3 Key Elements to Super Charge your Blogging

 August 6th, 2010  Guest Expert: Teresa Morrow Blogging has become one of the must haves in any author’s marketing arsenal to gain more exposure for your book. A blog reveals great tangible benefits, such as increased search engine traffic, for an...